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The Lost Check

I was in a near panic attack. We had zero left in the bank, automatic withdrawals that could be going out at any minute, and a completely incompetent insurance company…

The Two Princesses

The Dubno Maggid once visited an ornately decorated synagogue whose congregants did not observe Shabbat or kashrut; here's the story he told them …

The Three Daughters

Ben Ish Chai, Rabbenu Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, tells the following powerful story to give an idea of the grave effects of Lashon Hara...

The Adidas Prince

Racheli weaves her literary cloth with a modern-day allegory about the pristine Jewish soul's descent to this lowly world; this is food for thought that starving souls need...

Two Crowns

Tzalaii goes on a dangerous mission to rescue Sihara from the Deathliners, where she has become like a zombie after drinking the black water…